Idaho: Demand is fairly light and prices on count cartons have slipped a bit. Consumer packs and #2’s remain fairly steady. Many shippers are starting to pack both Burbank’s and Norkota’s during the same week. This is having an effect the availability of both varieties. However, quality of both seems to be holding. Transportation issues have eased. Maybe not to the pre-Christmas levels but they are more reasonable.
Colorado: Demand overall is fairly light with some shippers reporting moderate demand. Prices remain firm as growers are still anticipating a shorter crop. Quality is fair to good. Transportation as in Idaho has eased and it has opened some markets that were previously closed.
Washington: Demand has slowed as it has in the west and as a result prices have slipped a bit. More on smaller cartons (90’s to 120’s) than on the large sizes. Quality of Washington Norkota’s remains good and supplies are adequate. The anticipation of a short crop still looms but the longer the business remains slow the less likely that will be an issue. RailEx has helped Washington maintain better transportation but trucks have started to become more available.
Wisconsin: Demand is light but prices are firm. Quality is questionable from lot to lot. Concern that supplies will be affected as we move forward in the season.

Fresh organic onions on a wooden background
Idaho/Oregon: Market on old crop onions has slipped over the past couple of weeks and we have seen some shipper starting to wind up for the season. This may help to stabilize market but time will tell. Quality varies from shipper to shipper. Some with new storages are doing better than others. We still expect this crop to end earlier than normal. Transportation is still an issue but not as bad as before. Rail is still very tight. Trucks have loosened some but are still tight.
Texas: Market has slipped as more volume has crossed the border. We expect the volume to maintain unless the prices fall to low. However, our sources tell us that the Mexican crop is excellent and a big crop. Quality has been excellent. The white crop may be the best we have seen in several years. There is an excellent size in all colors and mediums and prepacks seem to be lighter than normal. Transportation has been better in Texas than in the Northwest but it could tighten as their shipping radius enlarges.
Utah: Market has slipped here as well but the quality seems to be holding well. The Utah crop will be completed generally in the next two weeks. After that only one or two might remain for another 10 days. Transportation is better in Utah because of the Salt Lake area.
Trucks in the Northwest remain tight as there is lots of competition for refrigerated trucks. Rates, while they have come down, are still about 10 to 15% higher than they were before ELD went into effect. Look for them to stay at these levels or higher as we move into the summer.
Trucks in Texas seem to be plentiful if you can use a flatbed but refrigerated trucks are a bit more difficult however rates for the mid-west seem to be fair. As more and more volume shifts into the Texas market, we expect trucks to tighten up.