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While we expected to see the potato market slip, it fell apart.  The extreme drop in one week was very suprising.  We are still in harvest so there is a possibility that more changes will occur.  However, we may be getting close to the bottom but time will tell.  We will have, by all account, fewer potatoes in the Northwest this year and this major drop was unexpected.  Weather has cooled and growers are now starting to go to storage which may firm things a bit.  We will keep an eye out for you!

The onion market seems to have stabilized and we think it may stay fairly firm.  Weather is an issue as rain keeps coming in and delaying harvest.  Growers have started to go to storage and if the weather would stay dry they would have it completed by the 2nd week of October.  At this point the rains have been light and have not done any damage but if they were to continue that might change.

Don’t forget to call Garnand Marketing for you produce needs!!!

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