The potato market in Idaho continues to be very strong. Prices went up this week and we expect some higher prices next week as well. Consumers took the biggest jump but carton demand is heavy as well. Washington will start new crop very lightly next week and […]
Read moreProduce Update-7/19/13
Well the heat that hit the west last week has subsided much still in the upper 90’s low 100’s. This is lasting longer than anyone would like. Old crop Idaho’s took a hugh jump yesterday. When Washington gets started then we have a chance to slow it […]
Read morePRODUCE UPDATE-7/12
Market will be higher next week on potatoes. Onions are somewhat unsettled. If a shipper has extra supplies he is flexible on the market but if he doesn’t then he tough. Washington is packing winter over onions at the moment and we are not sure that those […]
Read morePOTATO UPDATE–7/10/13
The Idaho potato challege will probably get worse before it gets better. Quality in storage is going downhill quickly. One of the largest shippers in the state told me today that they have lost enough raw product to create over 100,000 catons of finished product. They have […]
Read morePotato Update-7/8/13
A recent USDA forecast for potatoes shows that new crop plantings are down. In Idaho we are down 8% and nationally we are down 6.5%. This will probably mean higher prices throughout next season. We are still a long way from having the crop harvested but to […]
Read moreSaturday Post-7/6/13
As we end the week, transportation is still an issue. Trucks still are heading to California for the high priced freight. It has caused some challenge for Idaho and Washington shippers. Potatoes: Market is steady and increasing upward at a more moderate pace. Consumers still remain tight […]
Read moreUPDATE-7/3/13
It is to hot! Temperatures are in the low 100’s accross Idaho. Not good for plants or people.. Onion market seems to be about stready. Some markets show a softening but most FOB points have not. Normal for a summer deal. Best way to approach is to […]
Read moreUPDATE-6/28/13
The temperatures are climbing and it appears that we are in for about a week of above normal temperatures. Hopefully, it will not be as hot as they forecast. Every production area in the west will be hit with these hot temperatures. It is not good for […]
Read morePRODUCE UPDATE-6/26/13
The weather could be the big story this next week. By the weekend we are to be around 100 degrees in the potato areas and 105 in the onion areas. It is to last about a week. This is very tough on crops and we worry about […]
Read moreFRIDAY UPDATE-6/7/13
The week closed with potatoes having a stronger feeling all sizes of cartons, consumers, and U.S.#2’s. We expect all potatoes to be higher priced next week. We know they will be at least 50 cents higher and maybe even a dollar. Quality remains one of the biggest […]
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